
Sibling Discount | Save on Tuition with Our Family Plan | IIE MSA

This is awarded to any student, who has an immediate family member who is concurrently studying at IIE MSA. The value of the bursary is 5% of the qualification tuition only, that each student is registered for in the current academic year, provided the account payer is the same individual or company. The calculation amount must not include the cost of the academic material. This applies to both full time and part time students on contact programmes.

To complete your Bursary-Family Loyalty application, you are required to include proof that you are family (upload ID copies for both family members studying, as well as ID copy of the Account Payer or Company sponsor letter)

To apply:

  • Submit your application on SIS upon Registration

Withdrawing from your course

If you withdraw from your course you may have to repay the financial award.

Further terms and conditions apply.
