

Lawyers play an important role in our society. They help to maintain fairness and justice within our society. Studying Law will prepare you for a fascinating career in the dynamic legal field.

South Africa has one of the best constitutions in the world, and by studying law you will gain a deeper understanding of our unique legal system, while tackling diverse and complex legal problems.

If you’re a passionate individual with good communication and critical thinking skills, you may want to consider a law career.

If you would like to find out more about a Law degree, call IIE MSA on 011 950 4009 or email us on now.

What is law and why is the law important

The law exists to help protect members of society (both organisations and members of the public). Laws are vital to a society because they provide guidelines for what is acceptable and what is not. It provides a structure for us to live within, keeping us protected, because a lawless society would be dangerous and chaotic.

The law plays an important role in shaping a country by stipulating certain rights for its citizens, like the right to education and the right to free and fair elections. It also influences our politics and economics in numerous ways and helps to mediate relationships between people and organisations.

You only have to look at South Africa’s history to understand how new laws can be agents for social change. Changing the laws of a country can transform it forever, and those in the legal profession play a role in determining a country’s outlook on the world.

Where to study law in South Africa?

IIE MSA is a brand of The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE), a leader in the higher education sphere. The IIE Bachelor of Commerce in Law degree and the IIE Bachelor of Laws offered at IIE MSA will provide learners with a deeper understanding of the nature and function of the law.

Law careers

There are many law career opportunities within the legal profession. If you choose to pursue a career in litigation you can choose to go into criminal law, employment law, products liability or family law to name a few areas of specialisation. If you choose corporate law you can specialise in areas like mergers and acquisitions, corporate law, tax law or real estate.

Many lawyers also go on to become politicians, managers, consultants, lobbyists, lecturers and journalists.
