If you have got what it takes to inspire and motivate others, you are probably working towards a career as a business leader.

What can you do to push yourself to be a more effective leader? Can leadership be taught, or can you simply hone your existing skills?

To find out about studying Business Leadership at IIE MSA, call 011 950 4009 or email enquiries@iiemsa.co.za now.

What is Business Leadership?

Business Leadership is crucial for any business. Without effective leadership, a business will not thrive. A powerful leader will help ensure an organisation achieves its goals and act decisively to overcome threats and achieve success. Business leaders deal with both internal and external stakeholders and are often the face of a company. They motivate and inspire employees, while engaging with shareholders and customers – their influence can make or break an organisation.

What are Business Leadership skills?

If you want to pursue a career as a leader, you need certain Business Leadership skills. But the truth is, there are many different types of leaders, and the traditional image of a loud and authoritative leader is just one of the possible styles a leader can adopt. These are some of the business leadership management fundamentals that will help you succeed as a leader:

Leaders are passionate. A leader possesses the ability to motivate employees, convince shareholders and win over customers. Without passion, a leader is just an organiser or delegator.

A good leader should be organised. Many leaders have to deal with a number of moving parts at a time and will need to stay ahead of the game. Disorganisation from leadership will filter down into the organisation, so a leader needs to be organised and efficient.

Leaders should be good communicators. Much of what a leader does is to disseminate ideas to different people. A leader needs to have a clear vision and then needs to communicate the vision, and how to achieve it to others within the organisation.

Leaders need to be good at strategic thinking. A leader should have a good view of the big picture and then set a strategic direction for the company. Understanding where the company is now, where it should be, and what can be done to get it there is all part of strategic thinking.