
Political Studies | Study Politics and Governance | IIE MSA

Why Study Political Studies?

Politics is everywhere! Politics and power dynamics underpin all relationships in society – nationally, internationally, locally and even inside the home. By studying Political Studies at IIE MSA, you will have the opportunity to be at the heart of the socio-political issues that have a real and lasting impact on society and the human condition. Political Studies gives you highly-valued, globally-relevant skills, increasing your local and international opportunities.

To study Political Studies you can enrol for the IIE Bachelor of Social Science degree with a in International Studies and Political Studies, offered at IIE MSA.

Following completion of your three-year Bachelor’s degree, you can articulate into the IIE Bachelor of Social Science Honours with a specialisation in Political Studies, and subsequently, a research IIE Master of Philosophy in Arts. Both these IIE degrees are offered at IIE MSA.

What are My Political Studies Career Outcomes?

Completing your Political Studies journey with IIE MSA will allow you a wide range of exciting and diverse career opportunities, including:

  • The diplomatic service
  • Local, provincial and national government
  • Research (for think tanks and other organisations such as The Institute for Global Dialogue, the Institute for Security Studies and the South African institute of International Affairs)
  • Policy making sectors
  • Working for the World Bank, SADC, the UN, the AU, and other regional and international organisations
  • Journalism (political or otherwise)
  • Marketing
  • Business and/or risk analysis in the finance sector
  • The tourism industry
  • Multinational Corporations
  • Development agencies
  • Non-Governmental Organisations
  • Military and/or intelligence

