
Borrowing Library Materials | Policies and Guidelines | IIE MSA

Borrowing conditions - Library and Learning Commons - Staff and Students
General collection
  Undergraduate students Honours students Staff and Higher Degree by Research (HDR)
How many items can I borrow? 10 items 20 items 20 items
For how long? 14 days 60 days 60 days
Can I renew my loans? Two times unless items are requested by another library user.
Can I return items at any time? Yes, return at the loan desk or return book slots
Note: Overnight and reserve loans must be returned to the library before 9:00
What if I have an overdue item? You won't be able to borrow or renew loans. Fines will apply.
Can I request items already on loan? Yes. Place a 'Hold' request in Search
Note: Alumni -Some resources which are in high demand may be available only to registered staff and students.
Can I borrow journals? For use and copying in the Library.
Reserve/Short loan collection
  Undergraduate students Postgraduate students
How many items can I borrow? Maximum 2 items Maximum 2 items
For how long? 3 hours and overnight 3 days
Can I renew my loans? Yes, unless there is a hold on the loaned material 
  Note: Overnight and reserve loans must be returned to the library before 9:00
Dvd and Video borrowing conditions
  Undergraduate students Postgraduate students Staff
How many items can I borrow? Maximum 2 items Maximum 2 items Maximum 2 items
For how long? 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours
Can I return items at any time? Yes, return at the loan desk
General Collection loans 50 cents per item per day
Reserve Collections loans R10 per item per hour
Short loan Collections R50 per item per day
Lost or damaged items Book value or Replacement of the item
*Fines do not have to be paid until they reach R50:00. Once that figure is reached fines must be paid in full.
Students - If you do not pay your fine within a reasonable time, you may be 'encumbered'. This means that you will not be able to use your IT accounts, re-enrol, get your results or graduate.
*Library Account : my loans - You may use your library account  to: view the items or what you have on loan and the respective due dates and check outstanding fines.

Need help?
Ask a librarian via email, or phone +27-11-950-4050
