
IT Services Overview | Comprehensive Tech Solutions | IIE MSA

Information Technology Services

ITS Services Provided:

Information Technology Services (ITS) is a division of the central information and communications technologies group of IIE MSA. Our objective is to support the operation and maintenance of the IT facilities at IIE MSA. We provide many services including computing, networking and teaching support amongst others. Our Goal is to align information technology with the core business requirements of IIE MSA.

Learning & Teaching:
Provide Standards, Software & Servers for Student Computing Laboratories Provision of core and standard software to student computer laboratory workstations. Development and promulgation of a standard operating environment. Development and promulgation of standards for procurement of hardware and software. Provision of systems to enable the efficient and flexible management of student laboratory workstations by organisational units of the university. Students
Provide Student Messaging Service Implement and maintain a standard messaging service for students, including email and news. Students
Provide Student Printing Services Provide standard printing services for students, including cash management. Students
Provide Teaching Space Services Provision of educational technology equipment and support in centrally funded teaching spaces. Students & Staff
Provide Information Technology Support and Training for Students Provide a direct information and support channel for services provided by the ITS Division to students, as per the IT Policy; these include a multi-channel helpdesk, student publications and web support channel and providing assistance with the acquisition of appropriate IT skills by students. Students
Provide Unix and Database Technical Support for Teaching Provision of Unix, Linux and database technical support for teaching applications. Students & Staff
Support Services & the working environment:
Provide Centralised Network Printing Provision of infrastructure for shared networked printing facilities. Students & Staff
Provide Standards, Software, Servers and Desktop Management Systems Provide the core and standard set of services and software to staff computer workstations. This entails developing an IT standard operating environment and coordinated software licensing. It ensures standards and procurement advice for hardware is developed. Provision and maintenance of these systems enable efficient and flexible administration of staff workstations by organisational units including software delivery. Students & Staff
Provide Information Technology Support and Training for Staff Provide direct information and support channel for services provided by the ITS Division to students, as per the IT Policy; these include a multi-channel helpdesk, staff publications, web support channel and desktop support and 2nd level technical support for staff. The service also provides assistance with the acquisition of appropriate IT skills by staff of the institution. Students & Staff
Provide and Maintain General Purpose Systems Implement and maintain general-purpose systems supporting faculties and other business unit applications Students & Staff
Provide Facilities Management and Applications Hosting for non- Information Technology Services Division systems Provide and maintain facilities, background support systems and services for non-ITS organisational units who wish to leverage off ITS infrastructure. Students & Staff
Provide Messaging and Scheduling Services for staff Implement and maintain a standard messaging service for staff, including: email, a scheduling system, collaboration, and discussion groups. Students & Staff
Provide Telephone Services Provide a fixed phone system, for internal and external communications, including installation of new outlets and provision of telephone extensions, voicemail and billing. It covers the maintenance of the central telephone directory and general telephone number administration. Specific examples of this service include but are not limited to; responding to queries from the public and Monash community, directing incoming phone calls to appropriate areas within the institution and providing a mobile phone service including billing. Students & Staff
Provide Web Facilities and Services Maintain and develop the university web site and hosting services by providing: Web Hosting, Web Development and Deployment Environments, Consultancy and Streamed Audio and Video (on demand) Services. Students & Staff
Maintain Financial System (Microsoft AX ERP) Provide hardware and software support, operational support, consulting services, and application development services for the Financial System (Microsoft AX ERP). Staff
Maintain Human Resources System (Sage People) Provide hardware and software support, operational support, consulting services, and application development services for the Human Resources System (Sage People). Staff