

Why Study Economics?

Economics is about choice and the impact of our choices on each other. Economists study the ways a society uses resources such as land, labour, raw materials, and machinery to produce goods and services. They analyse not only the demand and supply, but also the costs and benefits of distributing and consuming these goods and services. Economists conduct research, collect and analyse data, monitor economic trends, and develop forecasts. Experts in this field play a prominent role in practical applications of Economic Policy in areas such as finance, labour, agriculture, transportation, real estate, environment, natural resources, energy, or health.

Studying Economics will equip you to use acquired knowledge of the economic system and economic relationships to advise banks, business firms, government agencies, industry, insurance companies, securities firms, trade associations to mention a few. You can also look into developing Mathematical models to run the society economic resources in order to prevent chaos and economic bankruptcy in the society.

To further your studies in Economics you can enrol for the IIE Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Economics (should you meet the minimum entry requirements), and subsequently, the IIE Master of Business Administration (should you meet the minimum entry requirements). 

What are My Economics Career Outcomes?

The study of Economics gives you flexibility and opens up a number of career options including:

  • Quantitative Analyst
  • Financial Analyst
  • Economist
  • International Business Analyst
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Budget Analyst

The IIE Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Economics programme consists of the following modules:

  • Micro Economics
  • Macro Economics
  • Practical Econometrics
  • Research
  • Empirical Finance
  • Health Economics
  • International Trade Theory and Development